about me


I'm Angela, and my middle name is Lou.

I'm 24, but my Korean age is 25 (more on that below).
My ancestors hail from Norway, Poland, Hungary, and a whole slew of other European nations.
I speak Spanish.

esta soy yo!

I'm observant and often don't have much to say.
Punctuation makes me uncomfortable.
I used to struggle with inferiority; sometimes I still do.
I feel self conscious that I keep typing "I, I, I,..." but this page is 'about me' I suppose.

I want to be humble, but I strive too much for it sometimes, and it turns out to be just the opposite (i.e., pride or even false humility - ew). However, I know God is working in me to make me more like his Son, Jesus. That probably weirds out a lot of people, but he's the most loving, gentle, patient person I've ever known. He's not prideful or falsely humble, not a push-over. Why wouldn't I want to be like him?

I'm an expat in South Korea. I speak a bit of Korean. No, I'm not afraid of North Korea.

Jeonju, South Korea

I like:
good friends and silly surprises. and iphoneography. I don't know how to spell that word..

darling coffee shops (3rd SeoRab, Busan, S. Korea)

going to baseball games
my bicycle

Minneapolis (source)
bubble tea (source)
the ocean
walks at night
That's all for now.